Do W O nder : Sneak Preview

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W O nder Do Paintings by Angela Melanson

Look  look  look
at us
  a l l
   Who or what
         do you see?


Look     l o n g e r
      w a n d e r
assess your frequency
         & curiosity
What do you think
           you see? 

Which of your eyes
do you  l oo k  with
one  or two  or three?

Be you gazing in soft serenity
   looking hard      scru tini zing? 

How or what
does your heart be*hold? 

What or how do we propel
         you to wOnder?

                                               We are familiar
                                              We are strange
                                               You are Us
                                               We are You
                                               We are weird
                                               We are wondrous
                                               We are wild and
                                               We are winsome
wellness weathervanes