You May Mow
The late May lawn is long
seemingly up to the Widow Wyile’s knees
There are bursts of forget-me-not blue
little lakes amid the green
the deep violet current of Charlie creeping along
and surfing carpets of white violets too
the dainty golden-green yellow-red knobbles of wild sorrel
rapids of remarkable rustic texture
bobbing sunny dandelions are now few
as their silver globe-headed host stand
alert and swaying
awaiting the perfect moment
when the next zephyr
will lift their seeds
to gently parachute
glide and sail along
and all the while
about and along the jagged
perimeter of garden beds
the sensitive ferns
a forest of fans
bushed out horsetail
among them
the oregano already mounded
while to the east the blackberry brambles
beset with crafty clawing thorns that cling
await an epic verse of their very own
begun and unfinished
as is the wavering line of their advance
in the midst of all this and more
the pear tree is pleased with itself
a tall mast left unhindered sprung up into the sky
these past two years
a flowering antenna
pulling messages from the firmament
sending earth signals high
The view of her wild front meadow
paradoxical lawn
is lush and variegated
as the Widow Wyile prepares
to Wander Mow
these words only
will be left
to stand