Natural Being


I am a drop of water
I am a speck of sky
I am one blade of grass
I am one grain of sand

I am a single feather
            I am
that smallest fluff of down
one shimmering wing
of an iridescent pair 

I am a leaf
I am a twig
I am a cell of phloem
I am a lilac bloom 

Whether I am
I am a part
            of all you see
and you are part
            of me
Whether we grow big
or old
matters not a violet jig 

I am a widow
I am a goat
I am an olive seed 

I am this
and I am that
a bathtub and a chair
a candle and a spoon
a salty whiff of air
what could be
more natural than that? 

I’ll tell you what
    I am so
entirely entirety
            glad to be 

so sings the Widow Wyile
yea so sings she
in soulful tremolo lo lo
