Time Spring
The Widow Wyile is a-boing
a-bout the dis
rup tion
of her circanadian rhythms
which no longer match
the schedule of disregulation
people in other nations face
a factor she is just now rounding
on with words of dis-play-full-may
directed at another tire-some and
tire-sum im-position
by some outside body
of late sprung
while still winter
which is far
be it said
too soon
and every approaching spring
equinox upsets
appreciation for gradually increasing
glorious morning light
the pleasing feeling
of being in tune
with the season’s light factors
feeling rudely yanked
with the span between
these time springs pulled
a whole month tighter
thereby a decrease
becomes an increase
in the delusive illusion
of day light saving time
when everyone knows
or would if they stopped
for a quick think
the amount of light in the day
is the same
regardless of the clock-a-doodle
do you spin the clock’s arms around
one time to put the hands ahead
so the ulterior motivers
may fool your in-synchness
make you for at least one
full week more tired
just when you’d been
feeling more awake
now hold on a boing-a-cuckoo ringing minute
oh crank-a-licious one
have you forgot the gladsome
cheering that greets this extra evening light?
Here we pause for a
commercial break
to shine a focused beam
on their rationale
historical by now
of waste and savings:
Mooos, chirrups, trills, meows & yowling others
countenance not such notional waste
Our body wisdom returns
sovereign neigh hay and screech
owl by hoot
a cheerful cry of equal opportunity
for morning when all things begin
each and every single day
that light is just as precious
if not more
for getting you well
on your way
All this jumping
in and out of our selves
our sleep and waking
come winter and spring
is really not the very best
bodily exercise
though exercised we have
here been in verbal fine form