Coyote Chorus


A chill moonless early March Friday
is cut through by wailing voices
in the vicinity
so the Widow Wyile sticks her head
out    the door
                        to listen 

The chorus calling through the nearby
night woods sounds like desperate children
the sort of cry
that easily calls up
primal fears one and two
darkness and predators
fears further stoked
by constant conditioning
about the brutishness of
wild beings and human nature
the nurturing of the latter
raising far more concern
for cosmic imbalance
            as within
                so     without 

While she is grateful to be sitting
by a flickering fire within a solid seeming building
she appreciates the proximity
the heart moving musicality
of the coyote chorus without
that lends vitality to the night
her present awareness of sharing
that time and space
with intelligent four-legged creatures
who are utterly true to themselves
and care for one another
without pretensions
or the encumbrance of exponentially
arbitrary regulations steering
some staggering sum of two-legged minds 

Briefly as she rocks and listens
her three-dimensional awareness
attempts to engage with her learning
stillness and solidity are truly illusions
generated by the atoms of matter
making up furniture and house
her body and every thing
as those minuscule particles oscillate
at>in>com>pre>hen>si>ble>>> speed>>>!
so much more there is
to learn within and without this world… 

The coyotes bring her back to her senses
to primal principles
humans too are pack animals
though with hearts and souls
we sing in joy and sorrow
and howl we should
at humans become brutish
through blind obedience
through lack of care
steady diet of division
supreme chaos sorcery
that steals all of their senses
            as within
                so     without 

The canid song was short
it rose high up to the stars
it told of coyote things
she could not decipher
but the despair she heard
a wail for balance
of sacred feminine and masculine
is palpable all around
and in desperate need
of true light grounding care
rooted deep like certain trees
life giving earth antennas
within the natural order
that awaits our full attention