Spring Pedal Fling


Spring rhymes with fling
sprouting and shouting
sprockets get greased so
wheels can go rolling as
the Widow Wyile’s legs pedal
she fills her alveoli
with the fresh brisk air
she’s seen the chives a-sprouting
still safe below last year’s grass hair
she’s seen pussy willows a-bursting
their soft fur coats glisten under bright
blue skies
the Widow Wyile flings her legs
up out from the pedals
of her rolling white steed
she cackles and crows
calling her plant friends
to wake up and sprout
to unfurl and grow
then she pumps at her pedals
to the top of the hill
and takes a long moment
to be grateful and still
till the thrill of it all
has her shout woo-loo-loo
spring-fling-things are
sprouting! woo-loo-loo