Home Bustle

The Widow Wyile has a little
family family family
two daughters and a goat
a Twin and a Taurus
and boats in which they float
floors upon which they dance
and gardens wherein to pick
plant prance dig rake and graze
though most of these activities
are now crammed into visits
so the once bustling house
now caters more to mouse and shrew
translucent web spinners
long six-legged ones too
and the hubbub out of doors
is chatter of the scurrying squirrels
melancholy cooing of the doves
caustic crowing of who else?
the crows interspersed with their
rolling curling call and
at night the sparring of raccoons
yodeling of coyotes
and the old-fashioned ringing
of the rotary landline telephone
connecting the orange calendula house
to the country wide web of faraway
family family family
while Gorgeous the goat gnaws on knotty grasses
chews on succulent shrubs
and shreds the tastiest artisanal papers