Golden Retrievers’ Nuptials


With three dresses
two hats
and a fancy pair of shoes
the Widow Wyile
set off for the wedding
of a pair of romantic
golden retrievers


the nuptials promised
and a buffet of finger
in a field by a resting
rushing river that
didn’t want to choose
many birds would be there
and maybe a bear and some hares
the canines of course
would be leading the pack
on this day from which
there would be next
to no looking back


since retrievers are fancy
            it’s those silken locks
            and glossy curls
and full of energy
she’d packed a fine
purple dress
of lace
so she wouldn’t look
out of place
she’d practiced looking
while gazing at the stars
from her roof
but since the sun
makes her squint
she brought hats with wide
brims and splendid
big bows on the back
being practical also
on trips especially
she tries hard to plan
for alternate
when the tops are
held by the hand
from below
the hats could double
as large bowls
to carry her snacks

while en route
to the festivities
as the road rumbled
her tires and her solar
jalopy puttered
a little fitfully
given the cloudy sky
her mind wandered and sifted
through visions of the
other two skirts
wondering which would
have the better twirl
to help give expression
to the blessings
she would dance for those
each others best friends
and help all the joined
parts and beings
of their golden warm