Widow Wyile

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Fairy Tale Cookery : Big Bad Scullery Salads

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Big Bad Scullery Salads Widow Wyile

Dish One: Dove Delight

One cup cooked de-ashed lentils
One cup sorted and separately cooked split peas
Toss puffily with red-pink mayonnaise sauce
Sprinkle with highly prized breadcrumbs, hazelnuts & pumpkin seeds


Dish Two: Field & Forest

Dice turnips harvested at dawn, braise in a brick oven
Slice pale-cheeked apples plucked before sunrise
Mix with beans, upon my broccoli, and chopped golden eggs
Sauté in harp song
Serve with a loaf of fresh bread, a little pot of butter, and
woodcutter wine

Dish Three: Castle Finale

One peck of rose petals
One basket of bramble berries
Greens from the forbidden garden
            or two Arms Full of rapunzel

Toss with salt in red apple balsamic and rumpenstünzchen oil