Sure Footed Read, or A Book for every Occasion
As you can plainly see
the Widow Wyile’s long hair cascades
beyond her head rest
sure she lounges on a muscular mattress
within the lower mandible
of a powerful being
reading the peerless
book of tales brimming
with superb words
sure vision verbal potency
Her feet are perched up high
planted firmly within a
palatial dome set
with perfectly sharp
pearly pointed stars
lined up above and so below
à la ally alligator or
crock of scaly style
reclined composure
crocodile croc-oh-dial
ally gate or all I’m game for
I love your winning smile
there’s no trouble
you can’t nip without a clever
trip on stout legs four
your remarkable scaled art
worming among the stones
floating your leather living barque
mile after swimming mile
up and down the silver
galactic stream
If you please,
Whose jaws are these?
What is the real ease
of lying here?
do they belong to tick
tock time?
the snapping maw
of financial crime?
or are they mere smear
propaganda? fearsome
churning illusion?
crocodile croc-oh-dial
I love your winning smile
greater ally orator
how many wishes doth she have?
right or left?
is she on the divan of dark or in the lap of light?
or perhaps it is just YOU
dear reader
who struggles to decipher
how she has the audacity to lie
so comfortably so leisurely
reading betwixt the molars
of an alligator
a crock-oh-don’t-you-
bother-to-dial 911?
Can you trust in this happy
flopdoodle sound sense?
Soon she will sing reciprocal
earthlove into harmonious being
She has the necessary words
in hand to rest assured
that neither book nor heady
aperture will snap
shut before she imagines
herself into a less
precarious looking position
and so begins her song:
crocodile croc-oh-dial
toothsome aggregator
I thank you
for the gentle acupressure
thank you for this most pleasant
pearly study blessed
by your stalwart
image’s behest
the very best of
rest for sure