Early Spring Floral Finery


At this time of year
yellow is everywhere
suggesting fabulous outfits
the Widow Wyile or any
spring widow could don
with remarkably bright aplomb 

A bodice like no other
is the trumpet of a daffodil
it finishes about the knees
in formidable frill
a petalled tutu that falls shapely
            from below the hips

 The blue star of scilla
with white light center
offers a dapper bonnet
            or superlative stole
to complement jonquil attire 

While the small spring beauty
growing wild in the wood
may best adorn that very spot
its delicate ruby-violet veins running
through perfect petals five
make a charming grace note
tucked neatly behind any widow’s ear
though a sprig of forsythia  scented violet
or any spring ephemeral
might of course be just as dear 

And if she is patient
another week or two
the folly of flower options
magnolia   tulip  frittilaria
            poppy    iris
spotted   fringed   or simple
will keep her switching skirts