Cooking Without a Recipe
The Widow Wyile has a question
for you
do you cook
without a recipe
or are you too nervous or shy
to blend without direction?
do you follow your nose
measure by eye
combine on a hunch?
or do you stick
to recipe guides?
intuitive cooking
the Widow Wyile wishes
you to know
is a constant wonder
sensational opportunity
marvel of mixing
gustatory gumption
salivary satisfaction
to cook without a recipe means
you know
a thing or more
about culinary procedures
paring peeling
sautée roux rare and cooked
you have a sense or more
about pairing planning
timing and combining
sweet spicy
salty sour
and one more
to be such a chef
you must have
a thing or more
to cook
in your larder your pantry
your stores
staples are good
specials add zest
cooking without a recipe presumes
you have a sense for ingredients
a flare for flavours that combine
well and a will
to take a chance
yet not confound
bitter batter butter
bisque whisk broil and boil
cooking intuitively means
you don’t get fussed
about precision and substitution
because it is not
so hard
to pass up on lard
when duck fat will serve
or to say bye bye
avocado hello
a recipe needs a cook
but you can put food together
without the help of a book
intuitive cooking is about
a certain panache
about matters you can mince
slice and dice
be they vegetable animal
fruits of the sea or nuts from a tree
what matters most
are your good food intentions
braise them with praise
in a pan on a blaze
you’ll soon have sauce
or some gourmet garnish
for whatever strain of grain
legume or tuber
repeat repeat
with difference
or without
cook up delicious bi
tri octa cultural variations
flavours you can stand
based on what you have to hand
such mixing and mashing
slicing and spicing
pinching of this
dashing of that
inspire variations permutations
on tomato sauces
vegetable broths
stir fries on rice
porridges pancakes pies
let’s face it
you’re playing for real
with your food
cooking up
nameless new creations
you are likely never
to have again
though you think
you’ll remember
your casual
confident curious
nature will cause you to add
a dollop or sprinkle
of this a squirt
or a twist of
that next
spoon flip ladle / stir up a star/ garnish with herbalicious yodel