Posts in Quotidian Doings
Mid-September blueing
Quotidian DoingsG G Goatblueberries, grapes, spiders, pears, September, blues, brambles, wilderness, sunlight, fruit
Making Friends with a Snowblower
Slow Syrup
Quotidian DoingsG G Goatsap, bucket, pot, fire, simmer, syrup, golden, steam, freeze, thaw, drip
Pick-Up Sticks
Heat Beat
Pesky Speckled Pecky Friends
Cooking Without a Recipe
Quotidian DoingsG G Goatintuitive, cooking, lime, food, gourmet, garnish, sauce, vegetable, fruits, nuts, pantry, chef, culinary
Lilac Wind Bath
Quotidian DoingsG G Goatlilac, oregano, eagles, owls, hummingbird, oven bird, pheasants, soundscape, spring, abundance, wind, bath
Oh no Matter Pea Ya Sprout
Winter Sports & Legumes
Cooking with the Widow Wyile 1
Piling Wood 1