Widow Wyile

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Winter Sports & Legumes

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Winter Sports & Legumes Widow Wyile

On days of deep freeze
and sufficient snow
certain Capricorns like Gorgeous
with whom the Widow Wyile
has particular affinity
first get out on skis
for several hours
then return to their fires
and stock pots to spoon up
hot soup of split yellow or
split green peas or just perhaps
small split red lentils cooked with onions
and roots, so comforting and filling
to ingest saying pease
porridge please yes yes
oh a little more please
before nodding off
to have a little
rest from blinking 

On days when snow is short
they seek the ice
fly on blades back
and forth criss-cross
creak crack so fleet
so free before they return
home again to purple pots
of lentils beluga or dupuis
repeat repeat
that was so sweet 

When snow is duvet deep
upon the land
they do not curl to sleep like sheep
but strap on special shoes
to broaden the base
of their boots
tramp down trails upon
which they will later ski
while back home on the coals
whatever legumes they
had to hand
romano pinto cattle navy
simmer in nourishing broth
until tender tasty tangily divine

Besides the necessary chores
and alongside submersion into
gourmet feasts of words
sound and sleep
these frozen water activities
are their favoured ways
of fully living winter times