Star Sister
elegant and folksy
The Widow Wyile once again
bords the skiff of sorrow
to ply the salt waters
with creaking oars
along with old friends
from the now mythic dale
by the river north
Across the land
they scull up streams
of memories
pausing often
to contemplate
the rummaging and swapping
the banter and conversation
the fests and feasts shared
with sops-in-wine
their gratitude radiates
around the fine fringed
petals five
of Dianthus
resplendent beauty unassuming
starry pinked perfection
wafting clove gratitude
as they draw themselves
against the current
their hearts linger
in eddies of emotion
the swirling patterns
of each bloom
in their spotted
gillyflower bouquets
each divine ringed eye
celebrates admiration
for a star sister flown home
leaving sunlit cottage
cosy remembrances
Dianthus Superbus
your Apple Slice
white-pink butterflies
will flutter in our maroon hearts
forever more
In your memory
we join our thought
form hands
across time and space
dance our collective
fragile rainbow
diaphanous dancers
tears trickle
sparkling waters
ebb and flow
and we catch up
in rivulets
of reverberating
bloom everlasting
in fond abundant memory of Dianne Willisko,
friend and honorary Auntie to so many