Spaghettini Straps


The Widow Wyile wonders how
to dress for the upcoming Friday
sensational movement present
Friday the tremendous thirteenth
preponderdance of the first month
where nothing could be greater
than jigging about

this Friday’s preponderdance
dear friends
is the occasion upon which
you let your body flow
without thought or care
free to flit
free to flash
free to whirl your bones
muscle and flesh
to groovy tones
in ultimate ubiquity
for such movement could
you know be
quotidian practice
devotional let-the-gremlins-go
delightful inspiration
aerobic vocalization fueled
by breath-of-fire
hi-ho   yo-ho
and so we cleanse every
cell and system creating
living body radiance in action

            but what to wear?
            its winter
                        yet with fire inside
what to wear? 

oh this 2023 preponderdance
goes great   greater   greatest
immeasurable propensity
perfect expression yes
            you got it : of excess
without forethought
without mental gravity
no blinking lights
no dizzying strobe
but candles aglow
on the brass goddess’s light-
bearing arms and moon gran’mother’s
nearly halved light casting shadows
through the night as the limbs
and dresses of preponderaunts
wave wind and whirl
rustling stomping and careening
about the book house halls
the rooms and vestibules
rich with sound
a dance in which your thinking
is not thinking
in the usual active
cogitation sense but rather
instinctive       intuitive          motion
before articulated thought
the preponderdance of preponderaunts
is the magnification   in excelsis
of how the music moves you 

and since she knows her propensity
to warm warmer as she trots and boogies
the Widow Wyile will dress lightly
in shimmering flapper dapper
lettuce dance leaves
with spaghettini straps