Widow Wyile

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Right Spring Light

On the very first day
the snow receded remarkably
there by the house foundation stood
one tight budded snowdrop stalk
the yearly miracle
come round again 

Are you ready for spring
the Widow Wyile asks herself
            asks you
are you whole and true
your self and Self in synch
good thoughts and feelings
leading to right actions
 in a hole confused and blue? 

In the week since she spotted the lone snowdrop
now pleasingly plumped
the clumps by the stump have also jumped up
and stand primed to soon open fully
ready to do their caring part
in Nature’s reawakening creation 

That same day one week ago the earth
released from cold   ice   and snow
was soft and springy
so most naturally
while walking the muddy
road verges the Widow found
herself singy zingy
attuned to the ground
and springsome sounds
the air   the sun    and   sky
so fresh    warming   and blue
she was overcome by moral clarity
by simple everlasting truth
the laws of nature given us
are the one and all
in the long-run game of ages
returning what our hearts
            warm  or  cold
                      put in 

And then as if these signs were not enough
in the late afternoon down swooped
first one robin
soulful soloist
then a seemingly spontaneous winged
choreography of plump red breasts
chickadees and sparrows
flitting from tree to tree
branch to branch
as if delighted to reconnect 

This sudden sunny congregation
one moment
            to the next
the sort of marvellous synchronicity
that makes your heart sing
with knowing that light beings
immutably are
all one 

Yet as returned birds and budding snowdrops
must contend with oft times perilous
conditions such as March and April weather
so light conscious humans must beam
bright hi-fidelity high through artificial haze
and gloom cast by shadowy entities
upon dispirited communities
unwittingly held hostage
by social fog netting reversals
that topple truths into confounding mire
where they await clear sighted retrieval
being after all as self-evident as spring
    mud   bird call   snowdrops
    the brightening of willow and dogwood
in their lively and vital simplicity
fear not friends for fenestration is nigh
as you know your self
so your Self will Will
open hearts above
feet grounded in soft fertile soil
to empower good thoughts
in minds to bloom
as does sister Snowdrop
whatever the winter conditions were
 so springs forth
courageous rejuvenating song
to shower energizing truth
to think and feel and do
golden deeds
the light of Light