Ode to Vannie Vanagon
for my Dad, Father’s Day, 2021
Vanagon Vanagon
trusty VW companion
how good I feel on your high
seat behind the big
steering wheel right up
close to the bus flat
glass of your nose
Vanagon Vanagon
you rumble chugg and purrr
as we rear wheel drive into summer
holiday mode
leisurely pick up and pace
trusty true and basic
steel blue
the song of your gears
shifting up with a thrum
shifting down
with a comforting whine
as we come off the clutch slowly
and in for a
So glad you’ve been mine
Vanagon Vanagon
Vannie sublime
so many years we have shared
(not far from half of my life)
carting coolers ducklings and gear
your aroma that slight
eau de mouse
a few times too often their winter house
you’ve been a kind of second
somewhat seasonal
but now we two
must part though it may break
a small part of my heart
you’ll be fine, of course
as will I
with memories fond
of the sonic symphony
of your rumble chugg purrr as we rev on
up from one to four
to cruise the scenic country
routes contentedly
your sensational deceleration
whine and whirrr
the clicka clicka clicka
of your indicators
the once rolling numbers of your odometer
now stuck
the heft and satisfying crank
of your parking brake
as we pull in to our
rrrrrrrroll open the sliding door
then with a pop and heave
your top is up
the bench becomes flat
and we are ready to rest and dream
Trusty Vannie Vanagon
you’re all through my muscle memory
your sounds and
shall ever remain
in this Widow Westie Wyile’s
Good Van Go Times, 1995-2021
New owner, please present yourself soon!