Life is a Lake


Life is a lake
of deep dark waters
we emerge from
to live largely above
its ever-shifting surface
the glassy calm our tranquility
the lightly lapping wavelets our playfulness
the frothy unrelenting whitecaps
            the turbulence that besets us by turn
the undulating surface our breath
in all its varied phases
from somnolence to great
                        heaving gasps

We are ever moving waters
replete with currents
and unknown
well-worth diving into
well-worth diving into
and floating upon
in curious contemplation 

Life is also a sea
that stretches between continents
connecting individual lives
into one great moving whole
filled with mysteries above
and below
each small lake
or human body
a vast microcosm
of the greater cosmic whole
ineffably linked
every part a cycling round
wonder to behold 

These are but some
of the musings that surface
as the Widow Wyile placidly
paddles her cherry red topped kayak
keeping an eye out
for looming granite rocks
that could graze her hull
or worse
on a perfect late August afternoon