I am Your WiFi Canary


An anthem for Mother Earth
the Waters of Life
Generations as yet unborn
Janette, and all electrosensitve (ES/EHS) people

A. Stalwart Warbler

Did you know that birds are special unidirectional breathers?
Their elongated respiratory systems
mean that they are continuously inhaling
filling their lungs, air sacs and bones with oxygen
That’s why miners used to take canaries underground
to know if the air was getting overfull
of killing carbon monoxide
They trusted songbirds to save their lives
because they are more sensitive:
The gift of flight means birds take in air
and its toxins twice with every breath

There are human canaries too, you know
We feel things sooner than others
we are highly attuned
quick to detect danger
There are thousands of us
all around the world
and we are finding it harder to sing out
and warn you as the world becomes ever more toxic

Did you know that above ground one toxin
has been increasing exponentially this new century?
People are addicted to what this toxin enables
them to do—
It’s invisible, odorless and silent
unless you have sensitive hearing
then it crackles hums and hisses
like this—
[sound of high frequenzy analyzer/electrosmog meter]
that’s the sound of non-native electromagnetic frequencies
the instantly irritating sparking hiss of EMFs;
this non-ionizing radiation has increased over one
in the ten years after the introduction
of the smart phone
a biological experiment
inflicted on all living beings
How many zeros is that, you ask? More than a trillion?
You bet: it’s a billion billion, eighteen zeros,
how smart is that?
by now, we might be at one sex or septillion
and 5G will push that past an octillion if people don’t
snap awake and stop it
Find these numbers too abstract?
Let’s trill the first eighteen zerO’s aloud
then you’ll feel their stressful crowd
zerO zerO zerO - zerO zerO zerO - zerO zerO zerO
zerO zerO zerO - zerO zerO zerO - zerO zerO zerO

All those O’s are part of my story of pain and dismay
Let me tell you what it feels like
to be a human canary these days
but first let me tell you that our bird and bee
relatives, the plants and trees, the animals and insects,
the amphibians and aquatic beings
are all feeling it too, and like humans, some more than others

At first the worst part is not knowing why it feels so bad
why suddenly these terrible migraines?
this ringing-zinging-noise in my ears?
these unusual speeding rhythms of my heart?
My skin tingles, it burns,
am I on fire?
I feel dizzy and nauseous
and so so so soooooo tired
tired all the time
dragging myself around,
trying to carry on despite the pain
but finally unable
I must rest for days or weeks
in a special safety nest 

The second worst part is figuring out the cause
Yes, it is a relief to finally know what is making me sick
Those invisible, odorless and mostly silent
low frequency waves
But it’s distressing and sad
non-native electromagnetic radiation
how can I escape?
where can I live?
who will help me?
cell towers and disbelief abound 

Desperation drives me to dig deep
research, people, and protection
are out there
if you look 

Once I’ve found or made a precious green spot
Wires are my new friends
I use ethernet cables, landlines and corded phones
to keep in touch
But going out to visit, to shop, to do all the human social
things becomes extremely difficult because
where there are people there are cell phones,
cafés and restaurants and the public library,
and sometimes whole towns all have WiFi now
and the reach of those cell towers everywhere
blanket the air and land
Everyone is exposed
And our DNA is changing because of it
Yes indeed those EMFs get through
the voltage gated calcium channels of our cells
causing oxidative stress
Do you know anyone with sleep problems?
chronic fatigue? anxiety? cancer?
Autism and Alzheimers are on the rise
and fertility is on the decline
There are many possible causes for these
and one of those culprits can be EMFs

Once you are over-exposed and you become
^^^ electrosensitive ^^^
your life is changed forever
and a reversal is hard to orchestrate in a world
with eighteen to twenty-seven zeros worth
of EMF exposure nearly everywhere
What didn’t used to bother you
bothers you
even the smallest amounts of EMFs
cause me physical pain
Driving past one single cell tower
creates such intense pressure in my head
such stabbing pains
that it feels like my skull is cracking
into many pieces
and I feel disorientingly dizzy
catastrophically nauseous
the torture is so intense, I wonder if I will die
zerO zerO zerO -OOO-OOO
OOO-OOO- zerO zerO zerO 

There are thousands of us in the world
We are singing as loud as we can to warn you
that all this so-called smart technology is putting
the unborn and all children at risk
this invisible human created EMF scourge
is rapidly ruining the world
and you, yes YOU too are at risk
no one is immune, the exposures accumulate in our bodies
and at some point   < << p e a K
and if you have the energy then,
you too will be wanting to speak
and warn your human family
we need a system change
yes even before COVID-19 appeared we needed
a system change, and now it’s amply clear
we need a system change
where truth not profits reign
and Health Canada really cares about our health
and creates safety codes that are actually safe
for us and all our relations
help me and help yourself
and help generations as yet unborn
let’s work together for system change while we can
go read and learn all about it
there are resources and studies galore
every day more and more
dig back too and see military
reports 50 or more years ago
citing all the ills kept secret
to line industry pockets
and don’t forget plain common sense
Electrifying our environment over 18-fold
can’t possibly be good for any electronic being
which all creatures of Earth are
We canaries are calling out to you
to do your share and join our caring chorus
Sing, sweet pulsing hearts and souls, sing with us
for the love of the world and our Mother Earth:

corded phones are smartest
ask for landlines and ethernet
to help canaries fly and sing
tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
see us flap flap flapping our wings
flying and flocking true
singin’ bye bye electrosmog
hello plugs and cables
we are adaptable
as are our devices 

We’re gonna pull back
change course
and plug ourselves back in
not just to a socket
not just to a router
but back into our bodies
look into our faces
look into our eyes
spend less time on screens
plug back into people
plug back into nature
the sacredness of Life
bye bye WiFi
hello biosphere
we are resonant creatures
synched with Mother Earth
our frequency grounding 7.83 herz
healing home of hearts
portals of our powers

Did you know we can do this?
come on, make the difference
the time to act is now
sing out with courage, for life, love, truth and respect
stand up with humility, so balance
honesty and wisdom can be ours

[for related info see 5G resources here; sorry, that site has been discontinued. See Canadians For Safe Technology: C4ST.org]