Hurray for Prune Plums


September is the month of szilvá
say wha’? Say SILVA
feeling glum?
have a plum
or better still
some szilvás gombóc
            (say gum-boats)
gimme gimme gombóc
that’s dumplings for you
potato dough filled with
purple blue plums
sprinkled with cinnamon
yum yum sugar
appreciate the red blue juices
as they flow on down
where else to but
your tum
silvery blue szilvá
September’s gem
extravagantly tasty too
when piled on Kuchen
            (say coo-hen
            and here too
            sound translation
            leads to non
cause that’s some
tasty kinda cake)
or baked in a tart

Whatever gloom comes your way
the power of plums
will clear it away 

Some say prune
some say Italian
the Widow Wyile jumps
nimbly says simply
Jó jó jó—so tasty—