Gorgeous Mud Walk


On the long weekend Sunday
in hot humid mid-May
Gorgeous the Goat frolicked upon
the mudflats with her pals 

The water was w a a a a yyy        out
the sun was very hot
so after walking Evangeline’s length
they ventured toward the far
distant wavelets
every hoof and foot step
a slick slippery mud-clinging marvel
of tactility and ooze
of shape shifting earthen shoes
some steps sunk deep
some were arrested by barnacled rock
while the wind were winding
in front and behind
then every now and again
suddenly lay


drawing the evermore mud
spattered party onward
out into the expansive bay
where the advancing water
appeared to retreat
an effect of perspective
and likely the heat
and four mud-heavy hooves
that every so often sensed
the true Fundy Bay cool
lying below the viscous
living redbrown layer 

After the l o o ong plop plop do-not-slip
of being pulled at least two ways
and treading with great care
and attention
every step       did we mention
a sensory wealth
a luscious slopping
a sole sensation overload
mother Marina’s spa
instant holy play
after all that momentous mud
walking they made delirious
steps into the waters of Aquanimity
where they naturally
dunked themselves full length
in awe and glory
and that shallow salty plunge
dear Readers
is the height of this story’s
full submersion’s delight
after which the marvellous moment
turned to wading back
through rising waters
and the ever unpredictable
mud below
such good concentration
on in-the-moment matters
that goats excel at