Widow Wyile

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Do W O nder : W o nder Do

For the nature spirited Gyapay siblings: Csaba, Eszter, & István

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Do W O nder *part i* Widow Wyile

W O nder Do Paintings by Angela Melanson

Look  look  look
at us
  a l l
   Who or what
         do you see?


Look     l o n g e r
      w a n d e r
assess your frequency
         & curiosity
What do you think
           you see? 

Which of your eyes
do you  l oo k  with
one  or two  or three?

Be you gazing in soft serenity
   looking hard      scru tini zing? 

How or what
does your heart be*hold? 

What or how do we propel
         you to wOnder?

                                                  We are familiar
                                                 We are strange
                                                  You are Us
                                                  We are You
                                                  We are weird
                                                  We are wondrous
                                                  We are wild and
                                                  We are winsome
wellness weathervanes

We are live integrated
biological antennas
reporting in
to help assess your level
of psychic quadru * stressors
on the great inner
intra           inter
medicine wheel of
c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s
transmuting etheric energies
transducing chthonic messages
is our care * full art
sync o pa ted by Earth Mother’s
living and life * giving

We are part of
e v e r y t h i n g
each and every shivery glorious
little single tiny quiver
every enormous quiet
 or roarious thing
minute or everlasting being
including those tremendous many
you do not seee
Yet we’ve appeared here now
to call you
         you…. who…. you….
back to your S elf
that part so often
most suppressed
you… hooo…. come on back
come on in
notice your fe eli ngs
sit with them
under a tree
         out by the sea
un lock   your       hearts

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Do W O nder *part ii* Widow Wyile

Look at Us
denizens of earth and air
beings you often unwittingly
walk   right   through
and relegate to bedtime stories
you then insist
         your once bright offspring
must soon grow out of
         moving away and so on up
                                    or is it down?
from fancy
thus are grown imaginary li mi tations
stunting and pernicious
We are messengers calling
         from the forest * stand
         you… hoo*oo*ooo…. 

     We are replete
with Earth’s marvels
Acorn caps
 handlebar moustaches
         and beards of finest lichen
Amazing nests of witch * broom hair
         thickets you could get lost in
Far * seeing off * kilter eyes
      that gaze right at or right on through
                      inner * standing
Clothed in layered landscapes
         corporeal strata
         palimpsests of
shape and light

These are the forms we might take
before your astonished
suddenly dimensionally opened
               p er ce p ti on

You could  per haps  not be fore see
                into the realms   be y on d
Your heretofore physically limited
         sense of  re ali ty
shaped by fearsome conditioning
held you back
but go ahead now
                  be hOld and w O nder! 

We Tree Sprites and Elementals
Spirit guides and Devic energies
appear     here     as reminders
of greater matters of high importance
obscured from your vision
by the revolving rotunda of ruts
so many of you obediently scurry about in

                                                     We are wounded
                                                      We are free
                                                      We are present
                                                      We are lost 

                                                      We are fragile
                                                      We are strong
                                                      We are light
                                                      We are song

 Which one of us
do you wish would visit you
in the small dark hours of the night?
in the frantic embrace of rush spin pace? 

We are the chalice of Being
you may connect with
by slo w ly    un f o l d ing
the  p e t a l s  of  your heart

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W O nder Do *part iii* Widow Wyile

We are looking at you
We are looking far beyond
O ur mouths need not O pen
for you to hear a s O und
     we are telling y O u
to enter the backgr O und
     n O tice the patterns
What have y O u found? 

                                                      We are enigmas
                                                         We are maps
                                                         We are interdimensional
                                                         We are trapped

Machines of your devising
are everywhere eating us alive
eV iscerate  cheW  spit and streW us
upon embankments
along ditches
a brazen display of disregard
for the entire web of life 

       What’s your inner
hedgehog’s visceral reaction
when you witness living
trees and shrubs shred
all along the roadways?
What are you reminded of? 

Did Hedgehogs live
wild here in this land
curling up into a spiky ball
would not suffice
nor do our ochre tears 

Dog is growl howl ing
    Cat hiss spits
Crows raw caw rally raw caw
black*feathered sound*
    cloud raining rattle grate click
raw caw

And what of all the others?
Bird  Fox  Shrew  Marmot Skunk
Mouse  Mole   Squirrel Frog
Worm  Beetle  Spider  Moth
Ferns  Grasses   Mosses  Tansies Lichens
to name a number tiny
as the human hand-shaped
hedgehog track
Listen to your inside self
no matter what fire * prevention
forest * mulcher tales are told
our lives require sacred
forage and herbaceous cover

 We are layers upon layers
of long occulted knowledge
we are selected secrets
from your long obscured
         mystery history 

Animals know us
         just as we know them
It’s people who have
      taken their feet right off
the  gr o u nd     &     sealed

Yet we are interconnected
the trees breathe in
growth rich carbons
that you breathe out
so you can inspire
vital oxygen
         we feed each other
beautiful beneficent mutuality
going round and round and round

so all those circles that you see
are holy universal geometry
the key to light and sound

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Do W O nder *part iv* Widow Wyile


                                                      We are friendly
                                                      We are fierce
                                                     We are worth attention
                                                      We are wonders to mention 

Come dance with us amid
the trunks and branches
of trees and shrubs and grasses
Slip out at moonlight
         at dawn or sunset
or boldly skip at noon
You may sing to us
any time at all
and we will be moved
to gambol and twirl
to the resonating tones
of your heart * liberated energies 

Take off your shoes
all you women and men
boys and girls       young and old
sink in deep with knowing
   who you really are
   just as crows know
your cats and dogs are certain
   as you  too  can be 

barefoot on the ground
let Mama Bear lead this dance
      of brave healing energy
be bird bold and don key courageous
      know what is good and true

We are here to tell you
that beauty is a star
  e v e r y w h e r e

so get out from under
        your ceiling
step beyond           your roof
stand in the forest
stand within and for
        your self
and all you are connected to
       far beyond counting

              … ah

      … oh …

     … ah

Breathe in the profound magic
science  of  right  act i on
         always true
in the life sustaining air
we have prepared for you 

Let these words and images
fill you to your energetic brim
and bring Earth Mother in anew

Be hold! paint manifested
spirits salute y O u

                                                      We are familiar
                                                               We are song
                                                      We are light
                                                               We are strange
We are enigmas
                                                               We are maps
We are weird
                                                               We are wondrous 
We are well worth mention
                                                      We wonders of your attention

****  finis ****

if you’d like a pdf with all the poem text formatting—email us
not all of it could be reproduced here