Down to Earth
Every autumn the gradual grace
of transformation repeats
trees’ cool summer dress becomes
resplendent evening garb
before even these cloaks are doffed
altogether bright vessels that twirl
and dance through the crisp air
catching updrafts, breezes, gusts
then crinkle and crunch
under passing feet
to bunch together rustling
in piles
to flotilla upon waterways
to blanket and feed the land
with reminiscences
whispers of spring and
summer stories
airy songs of
living breath cycles
The golds and browns beautiful
yet oranges and reds
catch eyes turn heads
Acers’ majestic artistry
begins leaf by leaf
branch by branch
mottling swirling dappling
maple signatures
green orange yellow red
Every autumn the Widow Wyile
marvels at these wonders
as she wanders about
the luminous landscape
outstanding splendours a
blaze upon the azure empyrean