Digging In


Gorgeous was nibbling at ferns
her face rather stern
for a goat
she was mulling
over the Widow Wyile’s
plans for digging
a moat
not the sort of activity
goats should promote
though Gorgeous greatly
enjoyed a good float
on a hot summer’s day
there were places nearby
a body could do that
so it seemed ill advised
to dig a wide ditch
round about the house
when the ducks had a pond
and could fly to the canal
the frogs could hop
into creeks and ponds
to swim and rest on the bank
under the sighing willow’s
dappled shade

the thought of all that digging
put Gorgeous in a rude sort
of ruminant mood

but perhaps
the Widow had been teasing
and would rather
build a boat
to float down the stream