Dee Heart Centra Lights


Yippee Hurray
it is now May
the month when plants
are quick to grow
in particular
when the sun shines
            just so
faster and faster
bursting in showers
of pollen and utterly
marvellous blooms
natural perfection practiced
every spring
in multitudinous splendiferous

In this first week the Widow Wyile finds
herself in daily awe as the tide of her lawn
shifts from the sweet scented violets
to the white wave of their wild cousins
much bolder against the green

Her heart is most in synch
with the puffed pink hearts
live symbols of sorrow
become beauty
that now dangle dancing
from spring green stems
morning dew pearling
their white flanks wavering
in the breeze
high frequency symphony
of love for the wondrous world
radiates a steady beatific beat
grace full gratitude
for the wholeness of being 

In a year where much larger
unfathomable tides
are also vying for a shift
Love is the one steady Light
waving on the dancers
of evolving Life
so while she can
the Widow folds her sorrows
in amid her hopes and honours
the present blooms of
Dicentra Spectabilis