

Eight years to the day
the Widow Wyile reflects
upon widowhood
and finds mostly
the good she has to say
about her daily living 

thank goodness for
Gorgeous Goat
words of whimsy
played out on paper
and in giggling banter
with grandchildren
for the blessed local farmers
growing a delicious bounty
in honour of human living
for water and its cycles
in all forms
of which we are one
for life’s many wonders   mysteries
and plenitude of connections
for the solace of rural life
space   song   and movement
for the courage of inspired souls
doing what is right and true
from which a sane principled world
is gradually emerging
radiant   golden
and immanently

what a long and busy
upside down
tangled time it’s been
rife with astonishing anomalies
that redefine most everything

bright paradigm