

Deep down beneath snow
frozen ground
lurked equanimity
hers to be exact
she could vaguely sense it
as she lay dreamily
cushioned from cold
upon the fainting couch
gazing through
le tourbillon de neige
elaborate swirling
of thousands of flakes
each one perfect
purposefully falling 

the final weeks of winter
had brought her to a halt
or rather a little patch
a dark slip did 

how fine to have the hard
ground fluffed anew
in a whirl of shimmering
water crystals
light as down
down as light 

the tumultuous winds
chorused their raucous refrain
while they whipped about
we’ll booooowl you over
we don’t mind a whit
we’ll booooowl you over
you can be sure of it
and the rafters creaked
their accord
the fire crackled
and the Widow Wyile
drifted like a flake
into bone mending reverie 

Later in early spring
with chive tips risen
a pinky’s length
from the loosening ground
the Widow Wyile sits still
in a dazzling sunbeam
contemplating the auspices
of equanimity
wondering whether or not
it could truly be said to apply
to any parts of her living
or whether it is more
of an aspirational signpost
that mostly keeps out of sight 

And what with the reflections
on snow rain and water generally
she chances upon aquanimity
and that pleases her best of all
that pleases her to no end
for she can feel that
in all her being
though it were not
as far as she knew
an expressed concept
not even “a thing”
more spontaneous than studied
equanimity is perhaps a land
or mental state

Aquanimity is the exuberance
of immersion and flotation in cool
buoyant waters salty or sweet

Aquanimity is the sense
of being washed clean and leaping
through rejuvenating alma mater
aqua mater
of being lithe and light
of being entirely in
that glorious moment

Aquanimity gushes
a gigantic jigging geyser
going straight up into the spring
air with expanding showers of mist
suspended      a perfect spell
of contentment

Aquanimity is bonded liquid
bounding bliss sure
state that rises
and falls like the perfect sea
that we are