Widow Wyile

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Wavelts Widow Wyile

hello hello
come in
come splash
            and swim
calls great blue-brown
Mother sea 

Kipperlings sit amazed
on the sandy shore
as wave
            upon wave
slap slaps gently into
and over their laps
steady as their heartbeat 

hello hello
salty wet sea
we greet you with splashes
and great songs of delight
            cooo-eeee  tra la la
            yip-yip-yip folderaaa 


drying up on the beach
our fingers and feet find
the sand, stones and pebbles
are second to none
we rake, dig, pile
pat-a-cake sandy cake
for the waves to eat
and run           what fun

when it’s home time
we wave goodbye: bye! bye!
to the great blue-brown sea
to each big and small salty crest
our  great water Mother
and she waves back
see you again soon Kipperlings
soon   swoosh soon
ever so soon