Widow Wyile

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Turquoise Flash

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Turquoise Flash Widow Wyile

Turquoise flash feathers
dance slick wet
fish in beak
long and black
raucous calling from the shore
the crew take turns
diving into the river
ripples ringing out
layer upon layer
fish scales flicker
in the sunshine
reeds undulate in the light
breeze unperturbed
by adjacent bird ballet
turquoise tail feathers
brace downward
for a scant second
Kingfisher hangs
in the air
her catch quivers
a quitting of one life
quickening the other
and this scene
repeats itself
like the rings expanding
outward from where
the turquoise bird flash emerged
russet markings a blurr
then ripples flatten out
into the river’s momentary
still undulating surface