Widow Wyile

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To Two Too

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To Two Too Widow Wyile

The year turned two weeks
ago and now the calendar
has caught up too
reflects the Widow Wyile
while looking ahead 

May this year of triple
twos transcend the nought
we’ve been suspended in
Move us markedly
out of the web of nots
and glooming thoughts

Twos tango
Twos square
            and dos-i-dos
Twos smile at each
other too
all bright eyes
tooth sparkling wide
Twos join hands with other
pairs in glorious circle
dances around and around
across the land and sea
sing too to Twos
keeping the steady
beat of hands
hearts and feet

In twenty twenty two
lets turn to light
twinkling bright thinking
become bold
behold the golden glow
of hands held palm
to palm electro-
magnetic human
connection of open
eyes and hearts
soaring spirits
joyous souls
sounding stereo
frequencies of earth and sky
sent out far and wide 

The Widow Wyile
and Gorgeous Goat
send out two
to the power
of two
to you too!

Arise abound
to two too