Widow Wyile

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Surprise Shrew

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Surprise Shrew Widow Wyile

We often forget
we are electrical beings
but every so often
we’ll notice a current
coursing in our limbs
and so it was one day
as the Widow Wyile sat
conversing upon her fainting couch
perfectly alert and engaged
when a sudden sensation
in her leg made her sit up
and notice her focus split
between the words flowing
into her ear from the telephonic
handset receiver and the scrabbling
going down her leg
            was it inside or out?
what manner of symptom was this
intensifying as it reached
    her    ankle
she reached a hand
toward her shin
and what grey flash
squirmed there for a quick
she cannot be sure
for it vanished in a trice
and all she could think was
   “ surprise   shrew! ”
* for both me and you *
wonder of wonders
when and where
            did you come in?
and         where  oh where
        have     you      gone?