Widow Wyile

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Surprise Curry

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Surprise Curry Widow Wyile

The Widow Wyile’s
little old parents
live in a land recently made to seem
far far away by the most modern
and perplexing inconveniences
So, to help them celebrate
six decades together
she asked a prize
Macaw to cook up
a flava full island curry
as an alimentary excursion
out of their day-to-day
oli-olé but please no flambé
for this special to the door
said Macaw being
so obliging and enthused
he rang the doorbell
a full day
according to the local squirrel
in high comedy worthy
of old Charley and the brethren
Hardy har har Laurel-you-sure-make-
Could they have improved
upon the routine that nary a fly
was there to witness?

The carpet could not believe
the lucky libation that befell it
from a little slip:
a once-in-a-lifetime mango

The ice cream never made it
to the freezer for as anyone knows
it must always be eaten immediately
upon delivery
lest it turn to soup or need
be shared
Appetizers may as well be saved
for the right occasion
the next day

Order, good people
has for too long stifled us
Begin, by all means,
with sweets
which after all are more
liable to be recognizable
And if you can’t make sense
or silly-billity out of this tale
then welcome to the
full swing of experience
that discom-babble
bobble feeling of
billi-bobble mulli-ulti-muddle
puzzlement of this
unexpected delivery
of tropical island gustatory delights
to the Euro-Canadian household
where a mid-octogenarian man
was enjoying a few moments of solitude
while his beloved was out choosing
fruits at market and enjoying
some chance encounters
What was all this food?
Why had it arrived?
Who would eat it?
What should he do with it all? 

Well, the little old mother
had no such questions
upon her return
for she had received a tip
from an evening sparrow
the night before
She knew just what to do
with this early surprise:
She dished up a plate
of the curry
She dished up a plate
of the fish
She tucked into one
then then other
with gusto
smacked her lips
pronounced it all
most delish
while the little old father
watched in marvel
commentating on each bite
as though it were sport
and he the pro caster
yet not once—can you believe
it? not once angling
for a bite! 

Such is one tale of sixty
years of marriage
mixed through with lap slap
head shake eyebrow
high hilarity
mildly spiced
ach ja
szerencsekivánat és
boldog évfordulót!