Widow Wyile

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Summer Swell

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Summer Swell Widow Wyile

The Widow Wyile bobs
on the salt swell
in her little red boat
gazing at the swirling patterns
of a mid-August sky
and contemplating
this marvel:

“Those who are able
to comprehend
their purpose and the meaning
of infinity
will start to live
a happy life,
re-embodying themselves,
for they themselves
will produce
with their thoughts
their own infinity
of happiness.”*

The sea rippling
beneath her

the sand rippled
by the sea and wind 

the air rippling
all around her 

on the water
on the land

to infinity

each drop
each grain
each breath

and the pleasure
of being part of
all that
completes her

Her whole
these words

that rip-p-p-ple

around you 

may you
your infinite self


*Quoth Anastasia in Vladimir Megré’s Who Are We?

The Ringing Cedars of Russia, Book Five, Page Four.
Ringing Cedars Press, 2006-2008.