Widow Wyile

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Say Hi Five Frequencies

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Say Hi Five Frequencies Widow Wyile

Looking ahead from the start
of another New Year in a time
of intensity the Widow Wyile espies
loops and tangles like the phone cords
of yore as 2023 stretches and spins
its receivers to unwind
its being with widening
eyes a-focus
sensational spirits arising
attuned to high five
dimensional frequencies
zinging from afar to break
the drone of filibuster monotone
keep you in submission zone
with perky quips
high kick skips
and enlivening senses
that bring us way beyond
sliced bread
and common place convenience
back to the sacred elements seven
where bread is broken
shared in a circle
sacred life affirming
trust in the trees and stones
the shores and waters
the fire, earth, air and ether
feeling down with our feet
up to the heavens
with our heads and hands
way out and around
with our hearts and souls
‘cause in 2023 by gee and by jo
we many are reconnecting
      with our high
   high higher selves
and finding our way back
to light

talk about

the garden

being our

biological best