Widow Wyile

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Room of Grandmothers

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Room of Grandmothers Widow Wyile

All of a sudden
the Widow Wyile finds herself
in a room full of grandmothers 

One minute she is simply
lying there stretched out
r e c e p t i v e
next all available space
physical emotional  etheric
s p i r i t u a l
is replete with generations
come to stand by
stand for
stand with
stand all the way around her
in a perfect sphere of shimmering
soft white sunrise and sunset pink love
life-giving gift that glows 

Some of them are knitters
of story some gardeners of knowledge
and creative cooks par excellence
they share a million skills
their wisdom floods and swirls
full cream wholesome
all throughout the twinkling
magic milky way 

Laced throughout their message
too swirls and flows all around
the message is simple
one big task whose time has come
heal    heal    heal
for which you’ll need to
feel     feel     feel
there are no more excuses
and there certainly is next to no
time left to dilly dally another day
or generation or two
the time is past for just working
fingers and hearts and dreams
to the point of fraying 

you can knit it
you can cook it
you can do it any which way
so long you cast on your will
purl your ribs
simmer your pride
follow the subtle nudges
ancestors guiding the flow
heal     feel    heal

This is the lifetime
to not only believe
in the impossible
but to get it done
find all the reasons
to love and unify
and most importantly
to step surely out of the sharp
razor circlet of fear
whose circumference
has been steadily

many generations past
were caught by the skirt
the waist the pantleg
the gullet
fear hypnotizes and constricts
many in the present still
thin deep snare wire
extinguishes spirits
slices souls apart
with terrible efficiency
under the guise
of the predictable plot
that it has always been so
don’t you know 

step out
so it will vanish
when there is nothing
to hold it there
you are born free
you are free flowing
water being beautiful 

Grandmothers always want
good great love
abundant flourishing lives
do more than survive
bloom with splendour
step into the pink-white
sphere of love 

Grandmothers are all
about harmony
for at least another fourfold
generations past their own
who’ve come to light
the world
heal up
heal down
heal all around

even your cranky crusty granny
deep down in her being
when freed from the snare spell
of insufficiency
even she
formidably ferocious one
wants the world to reawaken
to the miracle that put her
spirit here
beside you

the Grandmothers are here
the room is full
the room pulses with love
even if she can’t quite
feel   see    hear it
she and you can know
can trust  
can be live love
from the ground
of yourselves
right up to the stars
and all the quanta

the Grandmothers believe
in you and you
are one of theirs
o n e