Widow Wyile

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Philocackles & Chuckletea

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Philocackles & Chuckletea Widow Wyile

The Widow Wyile wondered
might she and Baba Yaga be way
back kin? If they were to hobnob
what story might she spin?
Just this mere thought put them
in relation so she debated further
with herself while Gorgeous
sported about the grounds
in search of early greenery
whether to invite the redoubtable
brainy Baba over
for raspberry leaf, nettle or
red clover tea and a frisk of company 

They’d have much to talk about
like keeping cluckers in
keeping cluckers out or going gadabout
how to cast protective spells
to shield your home from unwanted
entities and keep the wild surroundings
simply live-thrive-jiving

Probably they’d get philosophical
chat about how much things changed
through the ages or not
cluck cluck how’s your luck?
the practicality of having a house
on chicken legs being of quite a different
sort than wrapping one in chicken wire

oh pardon me
in poultry netting
just what makes this phrase
more à propos?

Very next to nothing
cackles Baba Yaga
because our feathered friends
are still stuck behind it

Feathers! the feathers
in my WordRobe are too few
Oh for Hers and the Feats that fly
so never ever once or twice
would I eschew feathers of grouse
pheasant ostrich or peacock
to fancify my chapeaux
or indeed my frocks, lapels
breastpockets or armoire

Bah, interjects Baba
those fowl are too fancy
give me something stronger
crow raven eagle hawk
crafty clever and often wise
plus none of these you can bet
would stand for a poultry net

cluck cluck how’s your luck at keeping
cluckers in cluckers out and going
gadabout the poultry net?

Now we’ve warmed up
all bets are on all bets are off
the table is laid the spoons are set
We’re going to have the best
philocackle yet
with feathers so black they’re blue
wings so speckled they transform you
you’re no stationary guest
in this word-o-saucer size
have a cup of flower minute tea
and why not also a sprig of mint
while we so shall eyes
in the drawing room
the parlor the kitchen the pantry
prattle sip cluck prattle nip
full of pluck we are
sorting out
pulling in all manner of wings
to fly you through
friend and fowl
fare ever well
cluck cluck to you
cluck cluck to me
here’s to an hour
of hilari howlari
chuckle tea