Widow Wyile

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Pesky Speckled Pecky Friends

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Pesky Speckled Pecky Friends Widow Wyile

They flutter everywhere our pesky
speckled pecky friends 

their feathers fly
as the Widow Wyile whistles
and chuckles as she wanders by

they scratch and peck
check check check
this spot and that
for small grubs     legged beings
squirm pink rings
earthworms on the move
from scaly rugged chicken feet
descending beaks 

the roosters strutt and croon
while puffy yellow chicks
flit and peep
and peep 

they day is bright
feathers shimmer iridescent
blues   browns   blacks
catching light on chicken backs
their polka dotted ruffs
and fern stand tails
shimmy about the landscape
enlivened by their intent motion 

spingle spangle about the yard
they cluck scritch scratch peck
our pesky fine
feathered egg laying friends