Widow Wyile

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Loving Totality

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Loving Totality Widow Wyile

As the days of 2024 accumulate
the potency of the great shift
becomes more palpable 

On the 79th day, the April sky
dazzles bright from morn till eve
solar information showers
the Bay of Fundy region
ancestral Mi’kmaki lands
upon which now live many
more recently come
in the great joining
lifting spirits
of humans gathered in the gr-eight outdoors
to witness and absorb the ineffable
wondrous mystery
of celestial bodies meeting
face to face
in a specificity not enacted
in seven thousand years
an event too bright
to look at directly
but through which they feel
their immutable conscious interconnection
sparkling through their bodies
energizing forgotten filaments
sparking fresh air joy
the constant waterflow
of living beings’ abundant
breathing in light
exhaling love
the way it should be
humming together
for a common purpose
frequency of grounded perfection
as for a few magic moments
they sway in cool shadow
until the full-on celestial conference
and the sun again radiates
in complete splendour
and life nourishing power 

Standing presently
in the spring fresh air
among friends old and new
her sock feet nestled among sea
smoothed stones of Scots Bay
the Widow Wyile feels truly blessed
to be a part of All