Widow Wyile

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Feel Swell

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Feel Swell Widow Wyile

yields intense good feelings

A most simple recipe
for your well being
says the Widow Wyile
    yoooou whooo!
        come hug!
is to give your Gorgeous
Goat seven Great hugs a day

to connect is divine

For those of you who lack
a gnawing clever shaggy friend
or whose friends
fear the hug that could make
them well remember
another simple truth
you live among
many great Beings
who will gladly welcome
the live life links
of your open arms
your attention
good intentions
swell reverberations
that make your heart
glow golden
go on      try it
you’ll like it so 

The Widow Wyile
encourages you
hug a tree
a giant stone
a snow or sand bank   a drift
the precious ground
growing or resting
a pig a cat a cow a dog
have we mentioned
goats sublime?
humans too are fine

Our planet is full
of living beings open
to your living touch
and the grounding waters
of our generous world
are always willing
to embrace you
with their swell loving
Earth Mother’s touch
if you would just
step into them
bare of foot
streams showers
lakes lagoons
puddles pools
baths bays
rivers lakes
all exhilarate

(graphix solution, backwards:
1. llewsguh—you can break this into two words two ways!
2. guh emoc llew be)