Widow Wyile

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Fear: Full Remedy

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Fear: Full Remedy Widow Wyile

Hear Ye     Dear Ye
Hear Ye
To fear is to quail and quake
cringe and retreat
when you could instead
make less your stomach pit
sinking by waggling your brows
twitching your nose
spreading wide your lips
go on    match them to your hips
then skip from left to right
upon your toes
fearing less with every
feeling more of your own
heart strong beat
that’s it    bounce up
bounce       over this exercise
is physically particular
perfectly preposterous
hopsilly boisterous
and becoming rapidly
more splendiferous
Hear Ye   Dear Ye
Hear Ye
there’s a mid-January
cold snap
that you are warming
up to whether you like it or
now are jauntily jumping hot

The Widow Wyile
is mischievously grinning
cause she’s got you
bouncing on the spot
the more you hop
clip clap pop
zap zip zop
nick nack knock
knock who’s there? ha ha
it’s me, your fear
tick tack block
zap zip zop
I bid you welcome Mere Fear:
come skip, skop prance

First we hip Zop dance, then
let’s play a round of hop silly
scotch pick up stones and then
when we’re undone by
guffaws you
sing me a kazoo lullaby
zooo-zooo rooo-tooo-tooo
we’re on a roll
we are we are
and you are no longer
dread full troll—tra la hurray
you are just
if I may say, skop skip
zap zip
turned on your ear
   do you hear? I’m cured
my dear for
Ye be