Widow Wyile

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Dotty Ditties

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Dotty Songs Widow Wyile

On happy days the Widow Wyile can
be heard to sing songs like these
over and over and over


polka dots polka dots
polka dots please
there’s practically nothing
makes me as happy as these
be they oh so very little
or just plain small
they pepper the ground
geometrically bouncing
illusion in gladsome profusion
gimme gimme polka dots


Ping pong polka
dot sing a circle
spot of song
bounce up once
bounce up twice
kick your heels
twirl around thrice
ding dong on your toes
hop once here hop
once there hop
each corner of a square
do that once do it
lots and lots
show your love
for polka dots

(graphix solution, backwards: s t o L s t o D a k l o P )