Widow Wyile

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Balance Widow Wyile

Perched upon the peak
of her storybook house
peering at the stars and skies
the Widow Wyile receives
this transmission through
her ears and eyes:

Hemispheric balance
atop the telegraph
pole that is your spine
should be your daily
and life long goal
so spend more moments
on the grass     in the stream
under the sun    over the dune
below the forest canopy
within the frothing surf
look long above your head
see the signs in the sky
feel the terrain you walk upon
impulses fed to you
by your soles
your palms and finger tips
oracular orifices in your head
the great absorbent barrel
of your torso
so much incoming
wanting your attention 

so rest now and then
linger longer
amid the leaves
branches and trunks
enjoy the eddies
the rapids    the pools
so your brains    belly
and solar plexus
synch real good
and your very own
and then
you’ll know more
of who and what
you are 

That said, the spirits
sent her gently back
to ground
and off to bed   
and dreams