Widow Wyile

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Baby Aristologists

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Baby Aristologists Widow Wyile

Have you ever thought Babies
to be unparalleled at aristology?
Never mind the preparation
gourmet food-fah-rah
Focus on their dining delight
innate art done with gusto
no study or pretention
Adults take note
Babies’ enthusiasm and joy
at the approach of the morsel
spoon or cup
are unrestrained
borne in every reaching limb
twirling wrist and ankle
wriggling fingers
curling toes 

Babies are all about the embodied
art of delectation
expressive from head to sole
in their appreciation
for each air-planed bite
that lands in their eager mouths
and dribbles a bit
down their chins and chests
aristology begins
with Babies’ eager
open mouths

in comes a tasty
bite on a spoon 

Reach out your arms
open your mouth
wiggle your toes
aaaaah            in it goes!
that’s good
so fine
one spoon    two spoon
three   spoon   four
again and again