Widow Wyile

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Baa baa baby

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Baa baa baby Widow Wyile

                                                (to the tune of Baa Baa Blacksheep)


Baa baa baby* have you any burps?
Yes Ma
Yes Da             (or Pa)
a big belly full
Some for my meals
Some for my snacks
And some for the pat-a-pats you climb up my back

Baa Baa Baby have you any toots?
Yes Ma
Yes Da
a whole gut full
Some for my diaper
some for the air
and some just because they fly out anywhere

Baa Baa Baby have you any smiles?
Yes Ma
Yes Da
a whole face full
One for my Mother    (or Sister, Grandma, Aunt…)
One for my Dad          (or Bro/Sis, Gramps, Uncle…)
And one for my furry friend, who sniffs at my toes 

*feel free (of course), to replace this phrase with Baby’s name; for example: Baa Baa Clara, Baa Baa Delphine OR Cla-la-lara, Ollie-Oliver, Fra-fra-Frankie, etc. And obviously adjust the Mas and Das to suit your situation.