Widow Wyile

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2020 the Year to Open

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2020 the Year to Open Widow Wyile

The Widow Wyile sings
the Widow Wyile twirls
the Widow Wyile stamps
claps laughs and cheers
in an exuberant dance of welcome
for yea, the year 2020 is here
the year to bid adieu to fear
the year to open to originality
do you hear?
twenty twenty
2 O 2 O
to Open
to Originality
to Open your wh-O-le self
heart mind sOul eyes
mouth singing oh Oh Open
open the doors open the windows
open the caves open the barricades
open the gates and feel all the feelings
remember remember
remember who you are
feel deep down to the source
the waters of your being
the spring and the well
see how we come together
drop by drop into a swell
we course and flow together
in a cosmic river
and as more and more begin
to open to originality
and sing of connections
relations and love
we’ll laugh at the absurdity of profit
measured in national currencies hoarded
by the few
we’ll remember the greater value
of balance
the joy of creativity
and creation
of song language art and play
of shared manual work and nurturing
and stories that help us grow and think
about the myriad mysteries
and our connections to all beings
who all have their place and lives
in and around ours
and stories to share
about mutual care
so in 2020
let’s go there